Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lori and her new boyfriend
Shark fin soup anyone?
Day trip to the old souk
Meat market in the old souk.


Angel and Rodney said...

Hi Guys

Happy you made it to Kuwait safe and sound. Your pictures are great. Sounds and looks like you are having a fantastic time. Keep posting pictures and blogs as it is interesting reading about your experiences/adventures. As for the shark soup have you tried it?

Keep in touch
Your Canadian Neighbours

Mary Lynn said...

Hi Guy!Love the pics.  I can hardly wait to hear about your 1st week at school - in the real world.Keep posting the pics and take care of each other.  Love MOM

Chris and Lori said...

Don't worry - we didn't have any shark fin soup - actually we've never even seen it on any menu here! I guess they just sell them whole!